Available Poults/eggs  - PRICE LIST
Breading Male_____$1200 each

Breeding Female ______$1500 each
Poults(5months+)______$550 each
Fertile eggs__________$55 each

Class: Aves
Order: Galliformes
Family: Meleagrididae
Scientific Name: Meleagris ocellata

The Ocellated Turkey is an omnivore and ground feeder, with a diet that includes fruit, insects and grass seeds. The birds are shy, but can be noisy, with males and females having different and distinctive calls. The male call includes a gobble reminiscent of the domestic turkey, while females give a repeated clucking alarm call.
The females lay large clutches of eggs in a shallow scrape during a short breeding season running from March to April. As many as 15 eggs have been reported, but the usual average number is more like 12.

The Ocellated Turkey is found in Southern Mexico, Northern Guatemala and Belize, preferring to live among the edge of forest. During the breeding season it also uses more open habitat and seasonally flooded areas.

Contact: (610) 614-6266
Email: mittyfarms@gmail.com
17 Hollow Rd Telford, Pennsylvania(PA), 18969