MITTY FARMS Our quality breeding birds ,are all kept in their own separate pens to insure we can supply pullets of high purebred standards. All our breeders are from our own top quality purebred foundation breeding stock, and all include GST in the price per bird . When collecting your new birds - please remember to bring suitable carriers to transport your new birds home in - cat cages are ideal or a dog crate or good strong cardboard boxes with a closing top will suffice and we can cut suitable ventilation holes in any boxes when you arrive. Please do not bring plastic boxes - they are not suitable as birds get overheated.
All our species have separate housing / breeding pens here so that we can ensure that we provide the best quality purebred birds we can for all, both for laying ability, utility - dual purpose as well as the 'looks to boot' for showing as desired. It costs us much more to rear and supply our quality heritage breeds, much more in fact than it costs for any back yard breeder to rear a few chickens under a broody hen, with no effort or real work at all, and much more than the hybrid commercial layers that can be sexed at hatching to take the boys early (thus meaning much less feed used). Please think of incubators and broodlamps running 24/7, brooders full of chicks that need feeding and watering several times a day and cleaning often etc. We therefore ask that you do not compare our prices to any back yard breeder birds or Shavers/Hylines you may see else where.